I have been asked what makes me so passionate about my work with people in the Aerial Hammock? Over time, I have learned that ‘heart work’ is cyclic, and that it gives as much as I give. When I learned of the archetype described by Carl Jung as the ‘wounded healer’ I recognised traits of myself and what may be behind my drive. The wounded healer is an archetype described by psychologist Carl Jung as the healer who is drawn to help others as they themselves are “wounded”. The idea is that as they serve others in their healing process, they are ultimately healing themselves too.
Like many ‘wounded healer’ personalities, I knew from a young age I wished to help others.
This type of person might commonly take a path as a teacher, therapist or doctor but could also be as diverse as a mechanic or accountant. But they all share the same desire, which is to make meaning of their own challenges or suffering by helping others through their difficulties.
The wounded healer is earnest in their own self-growth, knowing the more they grow the more they can help others. However, they must learn that people cannot be willed to heal, that people need to self-heal in their own time and only when the alchemy of understanding resonates as a truth for them.
“The wound is where the light enters.” – Rumi